Quinoa should be a staple in every vegetarian’s diet. Not only does it taste delicious, but it is a vegetable source of complete protein which means it contains all the essential amino acids needed for growth and development. Quinoa is a rich source of B vitamins: B6, thiamine, riboflavin and folate and the minerals iron, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc. It is also a moderate source of vitamin E, potassium, calcium and fiber. This is why you often hear quinoa referred to as a super food. This small seed native to the Andean region of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Columbia cooks similarly to other grains such as rice or oatmeal and can be made to taste savory or sweet.
I make this recipe at least once a week. You can easily use one full cup of the white or red quinoa and cook this identically. I like to mix the two using this ratio because I enjoy the extra chewy texture the red quinoa adds to the white. The pine nuts also add a little crunch.
I usually pair it with roasted vegetables and marinated tofu or a Quorn Cranberry and Goat cheese Chik’n cutlet. Enjoy!
4-6 servings
Note that the liquid to quinoa ratio depends on many factors. I find this to be the ideal ratio for my stove/pot combo, but some exerimentation may be needed (less liquid/more liquid) to get the correct fluffiness.
1 1/4 C Vegetable Stock
1 C Water
3/4 C White Quinoa
1/4 C Red Quinoa
1 tsp Salt
1 TB Olive Oil
1 tsp Garlic powder
1/3 C Pine Nuts
Rinse the quinoa thoroughly before cooking to remove the naturally occurring saponins. Add liquid to a 2 quart saucepan, then add salt and olive oil to pot. Bring to a rolling boil. Add quinoa and garlic powder to pot, then lower to medium heat and cover. Cook until most of the liquid has evaporated from the pot (approximately 15 min.) Add pine nuts and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Fluff with a fork. Quinoa should be separate and fluffy, if still watery, cook for 3-5 minutes longer or until desired fluffiness is achieved. Be careful not to burn as burnt quinoa tastes bitter. Serve and Enjoy!
Nutrition facts per serving (5 servings):
Calories: 214
Fat: 10.1 g
Potassium: 189 g
Carbs: 26.1 g
Fiber 2.6 g
Sugars: 1.3 g
Protein: 6.3 g
Vitamin A: 2.5%
Calcium: 1.1%
Iron: 11.6%