Arroz con Fauxllo (Vegan chicken and yellow rice)
Now that I’ve shown you how to master vegetarian paella, I believe it’s time to introduce you to it’s second cousin, arroz con pollo, or in this case arroz con fauxllo, since I’m going to use a chicken substitute. Whereas paella was usually saved for special occasions, arroz con pollo was a regular staple in my grandparent’s culinary arsenal. They were masters at preparing this … Continue reading Arroz con Fauxllo (Vegan chicken and yellow rice)

Almond Amaretto Biscotti
Coffee culture is deeply ingrained in Cubans. It’s usually the first thing we drink when we wake up, the perfect finish to every meal and as crazy as it sounds, often the last thing we drink before we go to bed. When I visit my family members, the first thing they ask after “How have you been” is “Can I make you some coffee?” To the … Continue reading Almond Amaretto Biscotti

Chicken-less Noodle Soup
I have a cold. It may not be true, but it seems to me like when I was younger I could easily get over a cold in one or two days. But as I get older… it feels like they drag out a lot longer and in some cases will quickly turn into a sinus infection that can last weeks. I had a good run where I … Continue reading Chicken-less Noodle Soup

Tofu Scramble
As I’ve discussed in prior posts, I have been making a conscious effort as of late to reduce my overall egg consumption. My daily omelet or scrambled eggs ritual is a thing of the past. Subsequently, I have been trying loads of new breakfast recipes in an effort to get the perfect marriage between tasty, high protein, filling and fast. This quest has of course led me … Continue reading Tofu Scramble

Mexican Style Carne Asada Fake Steak Tacos
Original recipe adapted from Tyler Florence Food Network I attended a very large high school with close to 1,200 kids in my graduating class alone. Lunch time was nothing short of a carnival. Food trucks would line the sidewalks serving varying degrees of what I would call food. Lines were often long and patience was often short. This was way before the recent trend of what we consider the … Continue reading Mexican Style Carne Asada Fake Steak Tacos
Extending the Circle
“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.” ― Albert Schweitzer People are often curious as to what “made me become a vegetarian.” They want to know what I read or learned or saw that was the turning point in my life. They want to know if I’m doing it for my health or for … Continue reading Extending the Circle

Spicy Peanut Sauce Soba Noodles
Original recipe from Will Cook for Friends I couldn’t imagine my life without peanut butter and am thankful to my genetics that I am not allergic in any way. It’s a perfect food. It’s a protein, it’s a little sweet, a little savory. It pairs well with fruits and vegetables alike or any variation of bread or cracker, it’s chocolate’s perfect mate. My love affair … Continue reading Spicy Peanut Sauce Soba Noodles

Wild Rice and Mushroom Pilaf
Mushrooms are one of those truly divisive ingredients in the culinary world. People tend to love them… or hate them with such a passion they won’t allow them to touch their plate because they believe they’re so icky and gross. I absolutely adore mushrooms, and I feel kinda bad for those that don’t appreciate them for the delectable, nutritious earth fruit that they are. As I’ve mentioned before, … Continue reading Wild Rice and Mushroom Pilaf

Smoky Split Pea Stew (Cuban Chícharos)
My grandfather was one of eleven brothers and sisters, and my grandmother had six brothers. It was common place for their houses to be filled regularly with aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews and every other family member imaginable. This made dinner time quite challenging. Family meals were often scrounged together from limited resources, and they felt fortunate on the instances when meat was included with … Continue reading Smoky Split Pea Stew (Cuban Chícharos)

QuiCK (Quinoa, Corn, Kale) Protein Muffins
I’m the type of person that eats the same thing for breakfast almost every day without batting an eyelash. Lately, I’ve been thinking about what that really means since breakfast for me typically consists of a 3 egg (2 white 1 whole) omelet with veggies. That’s a lot of eggs per week friends. I am well aware of the terrible things that go into getting … Continue reading QuiCK (Quinoa, Corn, Kale) Protein Muffins