Quick Frijoles Negros / Cuban Black Beans

More often than not, I don’t have the time or the foresight to soak dried beans overnight and cook them for 6-8 hours the next day like my grandmother used to. This recipe tastes like you’ve been slaving away all day in the kitchen, but is quick and easy enough to cook on a work night. When I moved out on my own, the first recipe I … Continue reading Quick Frijoles Negros / Cuban Black Beans

Cuban Congri – Rice and Black Beans

This dish goes by a few different names, depending on which part of Cuba your family came from, but in my household we always called it congri. Congri is one of the few Cuban specialties that is traditionally vegan, although some restaurants add pork fat, so always ask and check. This dish, where you cook the beans and the rice together, results in a greyish rice … Continue reading Cuban Congri – Rice and Black Beans